Love Parade (Hua Tuan Jin Cu)


Fashion designer Shi Mage and Zeng Ling attended the monthly fashion show hosted by Madame Xue to listen to their clients' feedback. Doctor Ye Demei and a friend Fu Lifu also attended but Ye found it so boring that she soon fell asleep. As Shi sat next to her, he asked for her comments. Ye was awoke by surprise and felt extremely embarrassed.

One day Ye went to Madame Xue's shop and ordered an evening gown to be made for an upcoming banquet. Shi thought that the schedule was tight and Ye must accept whatever the designer might make. Ye agreed. A few days later when Ye went to get the evening gown she was really disappointed at the design, but it was too late to do anything. At the banquet where Ye met Shi and Zeng again, she tried to play a trick on Shi but he managed to avoid it. After that Shi sent Ye a bouquet of flowers for reconciliation but Ye refused to accept.

After the banquet Ye returned to Madame Xue's shop to demand compensation. But a Western woman found Ye's evening gown extremely attractive and bought it at a high price. Ye then could do nothing but left the shop in anger. To express his regret Shi pretended he was sick and went to see Ye, without knowing that she was a doctor specialising in gynecology. His impulsiveness amused Ye who then reconciled with him. They soon fell in love with each other and were prepared to marry.

On the first night of their marriage Ye received a call for help. Shi was alone at home, designing new fashion for honeymoon. When Ye returned home in the morning Shi received a call from Madame Xue who asked him to prepare for a press conference. Both Shi and Ye were extremely annoyed.

When Shi returned home in the evening, a friend of his Xu Qiuli asked if she could stay in his house overnight. Shi agreed. In the living room Shi was unhappy to see Fu visiting Ye, who was also upset by Xu. At night, Ye had another assignment, leaving Shi and Xu drinking and dancing until dawn. When Ye returned she was outrageous to see Xu lying in the living room and seriously drunk. She thought Shi had been unfaithful to her and called Fu for comfort. Shi rebuked at Ye's accusation, which prompted Ye's departure. Shi also moved to his company.

A few days passed and Ye was increasingly sorry for what she did to her husband. She found a design sketch of Shi and brought it to Madame Xue, who told her that Shi had been so depressed to do anything since Ye's departure. Ye was very sorry for him, and asked if Madame Xue could produce the garments according to the sketch for the next fashion show. Shi's design had made the show a great success. When his colleagues flocked to congratulate him, they could find him nowhere because Shi and Ye had already returned home to celebrate their honeymoon.

Ye Demei - Lin Dai
Shi Mage - Chen Hou
Fu Lifu - Jin Chuan
Xu Qiuli - Shi Yan
Madame Xue - Gao Baoshu
Zeng Ling - Mo Chou

